4 Projects Solopreneurs Shouldn’t Have to Take on Solo

It’s normal for solopreneurs to take the reins of every aspect of their business. And why not? You know where you want to take your business and what it needs to thrive. But at some point, handling everything yourself will become a challenge. Even tasks you’re fully capable of managing. As your business starts to take off, you’ll soon find that you need to be able to focus on the big picture, and outsourcing certain tasks will become necessary for you to move forward. 

From hiring for stunning visual content from the experienced video professionals at Bottle Rocket Media to finding tech tools to help you tackle other big projects, there are several ways to tap into other means of having work completed without you stretching yourself too thin. 

Creating Digital Content 

Content is important for your business, whether you are a CEO or a solopreneur. Some of the perks of having consistent and quality content include: 

  • More trust with your customers. 
  • Enhanced social media engagement. 
  • An increase in conversion rates. 
  • More authority in your sector. 

As you can see, these are all must-have elements when it comes to being a successful entrepreneur.  If you’re savvy, you can produce content on your own, but why leave it to chance, and why take on more tasks to add to your to-do list? Doesn’t it sound better to use tools and hire professionals to help you create one-of-a-kind content?

For example, if you want to add videos to your website or other marketing platforms, you can trust the video production professionals at Bottle Rocket Media to help you come up with content that makes an impact on your audience. 

Making It Legal

Have you chosen a structure for your business, or are you operating without one? If the former is the case, you could be missing out on important protections and savings that come with operating as an LLC. If completing this legal task sounds too challenging, there are online formation services that simplify and expedite this process, which will save you any potential stress or legal fees. Now is also the time to obtain any permits or licenses you need to run your business. 

Taking Care of Accounting 

Another challenging task for solopreneurs? Bookkeeping and accounting. Unless you’re a math whiz and a stickler for details, it can be easy to get these all-important small business projects wrong. Even a small mistake could end up costing you big time. This is why so many entrepreneurs use accounting software, consultants, or a combination of both. 

Whether you hire a pro or DIY, finding the right accounting software is highly recommended. The best software will make tracking expenses and producing reports simple, all while saving you time when it comes to daily bookkeeping and accounting tasks. Having this information organized is essential, even if you do plan on hiring a bookkeeper to help your business. 

Creating an Effective Brand 

Branding can also be tricky for entrepreneurs. In fact, you may not be fully versed on what “branding” actually means in terms of your small business. Your brand is crucial because it’s what sets you apart from other businesses in the same market. It creates recognition with your audience and lends legitimacy to you and your business; branding makes marketing much easier. 

There are definitely a few tech tools that can make creating and building your brand less of a puzzle. Free logo generators, font matchers, and color palette builders could be the help you are looking for to evoke certain emotions and connections with your audience. 

If you want even better results, you can also work with a consultant who has the expertise and experience to help you create a brand that will truly help you stand out. Freelance sites are a fantastic resource when you are looking to hire a branding expert on a temporary basis. 

You don’t have to be a solo act to succeed as an entrepreneur. In fact, knowing when to ask for help is a sign of strength and wisdom. You can start with the tasks and projects listed above but also look for other ways to save yourself time. Because your time is more valuable than money. 

Photo Credit: Pexels

Written By: Tina Martin