We can all reason that when it comes to brand management Covid-19 has created a tailspin of uncertainty in the minds of practically every marketer, but if we are honest with ourselves this type of worry has always been there – if we are doing our jobs correctly. Maintaining brand awareness has always been an ultimate challenge. What do we do to keep it fresh and current? When should we consider changing it up? What needs to happen today? For those responsible for these marketing decisions the task is never ending.

Now, during a time of quarantine, massive unemployment, and with a polarized nation on edge, maintaining brand awareness is more challenging than ever.

The good news is the playing field has been leveled and for those of you paying attention there is a lot of great opportunity abound. Considering the changes that have occurred so swiftly and the ones that are sure to come, this moment requires that we all acknowledge our brand persona even more to ensure we will continue to deliver our unique brand message clearly, post Covid-19.

Here are 5 steps you should consider to make sure you are in the game for the long haul and you are maintaining your brand message clearly.

1. Take a breath

Yeah, yeah, it sounds simple. It may even sound cliche’, but the point is, adequate deep breathing has taken the back burner for many of us. Have you centered yourself enough to be able to think clearly and not act in a rash manner? We suggest you take the time to get into a space of acceptance. Take a day off to contemplate in your garden, or take a social distancing walk with a neighbor; even a virtual happy hour. Whatever will help you recharge your critical thinking can only help you to be more focused. It may not solve any immediate challenges, but it will allow you to see the bigger picture of what lies ahead. This is a marathon, not a sprint. So take that breath. A quality one.


2. Ask yourself, what is it that your brand needs to be saying now?

Start with, asking yourself, what is it that your brand needs to be saying now? Pinpoint 3 brand messages that people need to know about you right now.

Think about Microsoft. Just 3 months ago, there were a limited number of businesses utilizing Microsoft Teams. Now, with so many remote workers, Microsoft Teams has now become a necessity. According to GeekWire more people have become aware of its features and have begun to use the platform. This all occurred because, yes, these times cause for more of a demand, but more importantly, Microsoft took advantage of the opportunity by changing their messaging and strategizing how to deliver it. For them, it was by commercial advertising.

Click to watch commercial!


The point is, brands all around the world are noticing the importance of creating avenues that make sense at this time, and you definitely don’t want to be left behind. Focus on your messaging and how it matters to your audience. Then decide on the best way to release it!

3. Who is your audience?

Knowing your audience is pivotal to connecting the dots between you and your target consumer. Knowing who this audience is is the most important thing you can do when standing on shifting sands. Maybe have a Zoom call with your team with a whiteboard in the background and plot out ideas of who your target audience is. Try to draw the complete picture of who they are. Really ponder the following questions:

  • What does your audience look like?
  • Where do they live?
  • What do they love, like, and dislike?
  • How much money do they have?
  • What do they desire from you?
  • Why do they need to purchase from you?

You may even have to consider that your audience has changed since the Covid-19 crisis has turned the world upside down. BMW now delivers your new car to your home and Little Caesar’s pizza is now offering curbside pickup. And everyone is talking about heroes, sanitary guidelines, and being quarantined!

Does any of this make sense? In the end, it’s all about staying connected to your audience and understanding what matters to them now.

4. Your message is unique – deliver it that way

There are various ways to communicate your brand message, right? Consider them all, and what makes the most sense for your audience. Would it be best to write the message in an article? Maybe an image will work best broadcasted across social media. Or maybe you need to go back to the drawing board and play around with telling a story using video.

The mode in which you select to deliver your unique message is the driver for the increase in awareness and business, so once again being strategic but authentic to your target audience is imperative.

For example, Nike ads are typically created with impressive high octane video clips. We all know them and we all love them. But just a month ago they flipped the script and came out with a new emotionally appealing and relatable video with a completely different look. Still photographs of what would usually be video. Take a look here. Due to the current shelter-in-place situation around the country, this approach allowed them to stay true to form with just a tweak on the delivery.

Click to watch the commercial!


On another note, someone like marketing guru Gary Vaynerchuck produces a variety of content in practically every mode available. Here, Gary discusses insights to help businesses during a tough time. In this blog post you will see both the written word, video, and even designed media to catch your eye. He is appealing to both his audience that enjoys visual messaging while also delivering the message through text in an entertaining and direct way. And, if you follow Gary V, this scattered approach is authentic to him. The goal is to truly grasp what works best for your audience and create the best content you can within these parameters.

Click to read and watch the video!


Are you inspired yet? Have you considered and analyzed the ideal message for your brand and how to deliver your unique brand message effectively? If you need an extra push or are looking for more direction; maybe the following will help.

5. Get with the experts

This is the best and final piece of the puzzle! Now that you know the message, you know the target audience, and you have determined the mode in which your target audience will connect with you through your message, you have to actually produce the content. But who is the right person for this daunting task?

It is our belief that it’s always best to have a conversation with the experts. A quick brainstorm session will inform you of next steps. It will help you hone in on your ideas and determine the budget necessary to pull it off.

Consider reaching out and connecting with a visual expert – someone who really knows their craft. You can ask for referrals or simply search online. Really help you grasp the best way to present your brand messaging.

Of course, when it comes to video we would love to chat with you about everything from telling a great story to the latest drone technology. From conception to delivery, we love this stuff and can talk about it all day long. To learn more about Bottle Rocket Media and what we can do for your brand, connect with us here.