Brett and Dan discuss why this was the perfect project for 360 video production

Think back to when you were a kid. Going to the toy store was the pinnacle of your life–not really, but remember, you were seven. Now imagine feeling that same way about a store just by experiencing it through 360-degree video. That’s exactly what we set out to do when we teamed up with the American Girl store on Chicago’s Magnificent Mile. Before we even start, we’d like to give a special shout-out to the incredible American Girl team. They’re making the dreams of little girls all over the country come true every day, and it was so inspiring to be on set with them for this project.

American Girl store Q&A with Dan Fisher and Brett Singer

What was the vision and inspiration behind this video?

Our vision, whenever we work with 360 video production, is to create an experience that immerses the audience and takes them to a place they might not normally get to go. Our goal with the American Girl tour was to show young girls the awesomeness of the space, how much there is for them to see and do when they get there, and ultimately get them to visit the store itself.

What elements contributed to the effectiveness of the storytelling?

We take the same approach to 360 videos as we do any video we create. We focus on the story, what the viewer will experience, and how we want them to feel at the end. Once we establish those elements, we put the wheels in motion and bring it all together with the help of camera placement and composition, voice-over, thoughtful music, authentic interviews, and graphics.

How do you think filming in 360 helped capture the brand’s unique elements?

The American Girl tour was all about showing the complete store experience. It’s not just a place to go and buy dolls – they also have books and videos, a restaurant, and a hair salon. You can even create your own custom clothing for your doll and then buy the matching outfit for your little girls. That whole experience just can’t be captured watching a video through a little window. It’s only when you’re standing in that store that you really get a sense of the community their brand has created.

Did any obstacles come up while making this video? If so, how did you work around them?

The biggest thing we had to be mindful of throughout this shoot was the fact that we were filming in a store during regular business hours. When you’re filming in 360, you are essentially filming everyone, so we had to be sensitive to our surroundings, who we were shooting, and when. Of course, we can edit people out in post-production, but we still wanted to do our best not to disturb the store’s operations.

What was your favorite part of the project, and why?

We love collaborating with smart, creative people who want to tell a story with video. The best part about this project by far was partnering with the creative geniuses at American Girl. They came to the table with their own vision, and we got to help figure out the logistics of how to make it all come together. It doesn’t get much better than that!

If you’re interested in 360 videos for your brand, we’d love to show you the ropes. Here’s some more work we’ve done with 360 video production. Take a look, and then give us a call when you’re ready to get started.