There is no such thing as an attention span. People have infinite attention if you are entertaining them. -Jerry Seinfeld

A great promotional video has to capture the attention of your audience. The best way to keep them watching is by giving them an experience that leaves them thinking “man, this is worth it.” So make your promotional video interesting or funny or emotional or get the picture, choose an emotion, make the connection, capture the attention and you are winning.

Here’s how to make a promotional video:

#1 Know your purpose.

The lightbulb, the printing press, the internet, tacos—all these incredible contributions to humanity were once ideas. Someone had a vision and a purpose. Your video is no different. What’s your vision? Or put another way… Why are you making this video and what do you want your viewer to think when they’re done watching it?  Like the iPhone Sticker Fight promotional video – the purpose? To introduce the iPhone “stickers” feature and they did it in an interesting, fun, colorful manner bringing the stickers to the real world. Their purpose is clear (and colorful).

#2 Know your audience.

Who is your target audience and what do you want them to do? This is the jumping off point for brainstorming your creative ideas (we love this part!). It’s really important to have your audience key’d in as this will affect your message. Taco Bell recently did a brilliant piece to promote that they are now selling nacho fries. The fast-food chain created a trailer for a fake conspiracy theory film called “Web of Fries”, starring actor Josh Duhamel. Brilliant. I absolutely love this. It is so creative! It’s funny, provocative, smart, connects with the viewer. They know their audience is young, has a sense of humor, doesn’t take themselves too seriously and loves a nacho-fry.

#3 Hone your message.

Messaging is vital. You’ve done your homework and you know your target market, their wants, fears, problems, and needs, now craft a message that speaks to those in a compelling and believable way. You have seconds to make your viewer understand your product/service/idea, so get to the point with simple clean language. Tap. In. To. Emotion. E.M.O.T.I.O.N. We all have them. Make a decision of how you want to serve up your message? Through laughter? Through tears? Fear? Check out University of Phoenix video. Tugs right at the heartstrings and as you reach for a tissue their message is piercing your soul.

#4 Plan.

Visualize and outline your project with a storyboard and script. A clear plan is key in executing a great production. My Uncle Wally used to say: “Proper planning prevents poor performance.” Very true, Uncle Wally, very true.

#5 Invest in quality production.

How many times have you been turned off by poor quality video (or poor quality anything for that matter, I’m looking at you, Marshmallow Mateys, you are not Lucky Charms no matter how hard you try)? It is important to invest in the life and success of your promotional campaign. Because you’re worth it (and your audience is too).

Do it right. Call in the experts.