How video helps marketers reach their target audience

Businesses, and especially marketing teams, should always be thinking about the next big and innovative way to tell their story and grab the attention of their audience. Right now, that big thing is video, and it’s proving to be an extremely effective tool for storytelling, advertising and brand engagement. In the last year alone,50% of executives said they seek additional information after seeing a product or service in a video, and 64% of users said they are more likely to buy a product online after watching a video about it. Incorporating video into your brand strategy is beneficial for a multitude reasons. For those of you who haven’t already started to test the waters, here’s what you need to know about the world of video.

5 ways video helps tell your company’s story

1. It’s personal. Anyone who reads the “About” section of a company’s website will get a pretty good understanding of what the company does. Presenting that same information through video gives your audience a real life peek into what the company is all about.  In addition to the facts, a video could share details of day-to-day operations, or the people behind the products, or the process behind the product. For example: Instead of clicking the an Executive’s headshot and reading her bio, a video of a quick interview would provide a look into her eyes and communicate her intentions as she speaks about herself.

2. It’s easy to share. Consumers have the constant ability to like, share and comment on the content in their newsfeed. For scale, there are more than 700 YouTube videos being shared on Twitter every minute. Thanks to social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, sharing and promoting video has never been easier – you simply post it once you’ve made it, and let the audience do the rest.

3. It creates engagement, generates leads and builds relationships with your customers and prospects. The biggest marketing obstacle brands face is grabbing – and keeping – the attention of their target audience. If your content isn’t tailored to, and immediately engaging for, the people you’re trying to attract they will lose interest and keep scrolling. This is where video is extremely useful – it immerses the audience and makes them feel like they are part of the experience the video creates. Keep in mind: someone who presses “play” is an engaged user who wants to learn more.

4. Puts a face to the name. Video is great for companies who don’t have a lot of regular face-to-face interaction with their clients. For these more transactional, behind-the-scenes businesses, a three-minute video that introduces each team member is an engaging way of putting a face to the name of the guy in Accounting you trade emails with once a week. Companies are only as great as the people that make in run everyday.

5. Establishes brand identity. A good video gives the audience an intimate, first-hand look at the inner workings and the people who make a company what it is. In doing that, it also instills a sense of loyalty towards the brand, its product and its mission. Once you’ve developed a story that attracts and engages your target audience, you will start to see an increase in both brand followers and brand awareness.

Bottle Rocket Media is a video production company with a full scope of services and startup vibes. We turn business ideas into creative, visual stories worth telling, and let us be the first to say, we love every second of it. Check out our client portfolio, and drop us a line if you’re ready to take your storytelling to the next level.

Businesses, and especially marketing teams, should always be thinking about the next big and innovative way to tell their story and grab the attention of their audience. Right now, that big thing is video, and it’s proving to be an extremely effective tool for storytelling, advertising and brand engagement. In the last year alone, 50% of executives said they seek additional information after seeing a product or service in a video, and 64% of users said they are more likely to buy a product online after watching a video about it. Incorporating video into your brand strategy is beneficial for a multitude reasons. For those of you who haven’t already started to test the waters, here’s what you need to know about the world of video.